Let’s imagine life twenty years ago, from today. Even the term ‘social media’ was not coined by then, let alone its massive impact on day to day lives. Very few platforms had been introduced (most of which are obsolete now, like Friendster and Orkut), and they served only one purpose – connect with friends and family.

Best Social Media Marketing Companies in 2020

Back then, marketing and landing clients via social media was not the norm. Businesses relied on old-fashioned marketing tactics like magazine ads and door-to-door sales. To promote a brand to the whole world without spending a lot of money seemed impractical, if not impossible.

With the increasing use of social platforms, the tables have turned. Statista reports that 45% of the world population uses social media in 2020. Hence, it is evident why getting your brand advertised via social networks is the need of the hour. Taking social media seriously does wonders for a brand.

Once you know the do’s and don’ts of social media, it will act as a game of archery, which lets you hit the bull’s eye each time. Buffer’s State of Social Report 2019 revealed that 73% of marketers swear by the effectiveness of social media for their business.

As a content creator, my own experience of getting clients via social media has been quite successful. Through trial and error, I finally learned a few secrets that are a must to know for you. 

Top Social Media Secrets to Make a Reputable Name on Social Media

1. Strategically Choose the Platform for Your Business

You need to do thorough research on your target audience and be on the networks they use the most. This step is crucial, as selecting a suitable social media platform will determine your success.

It is advised to be active on the top platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. Yet, your audience analytics will direct you towards the platform, which should be your primary brand-building forum. 

Different platforms work for different kinds of businesses. A B2B company should build an impactful LinkedIn profile and an appealing Instagram page. On the other hand, a B2C company should focus on the Facebook page as it will get more customers through that platform.  

2. Consistent Branding

You should use social media to build and manage the image of your brand. Not only should your brand be easily accessible, but you should also consider cross-promoting it on all the other handles to increase the reach.

Consistent efforts on branding will raise the trust of the audience, which in turn brings an increase in e-commerce sales. Strategies in social media branding include PR, promotions, and customer service.

Nailing these strategies will present your brand’s image as active and focused. As a result, securing more clients will be easy.

Don’t forget to add icons to your social networks on your website. It will make it easier for your target audience to follow you as opposed to visiting your website many times a day.

Also, Read: How Social Media Can Drive E-Commerce Sales in 2020?

3. Actively Engage with Followers

According to a report, at least 90% of marketers wish to learn the most effective ways to engage their audience with social media. Getting active on your socials and taking the opportunity to interact with your followers will have a positive impact on them.

You cannot post randomly or upload an album full of products and expect to get sales without engaging with your customers. Replying thoughtfully to each comment and building meaningful relationships is the best way to convert leads into customers.

Though a cliche, keep reminding yourself that communication is the key.

4. Go Beyond Getting Followers by Building Relationships

I have seen many companies make this mistake and suffer due to it. Their sole purpose is to increase their following. They never give a thought to respond to mentions and comments.

Do you know that your social media engagements are instrumental in optimizing and improving your brand image? There is immense power in Instagram hashtags, Facebook tags, Twitter mentions, and YouTube shoutouts.

If you’re not leveraging the power of social media engagements, you’re missing out on a big opportunity to become popular.

You should include these engagement ideas in your editorial calendar to see the effect for yourself. You could even reach out and connect with popular accounts in your niche to maximize exposure. 

5. Engage People on a Personal Level

Automation has been integrated well into social media marketing these days. But that does not mean your image in front of customers should be faceless or robotic. Show the world that you are a human!

Talking with your customers in a friendly way or occasionally sharing funny memes related to your work ain’t a bad idea. It gives them warm vibes and builds trust instantly. Even better than that, contact on a personal level can give you lots of loyal clients, which is the best thing for any brand.

6. Regularly Post Share-worthy Content

You must craft content that can directly solve the audience’s problems and give them actual value rather than fluff. It will be easier if you take a deeper look into who your target audience is. What are their issues and pain points, and what will interest them the most?

The science behind content creation on social media is simple. With your content, you are not selling directly, but as you are helping your target customers, they will surely want to buy from you.

Also, by adding relevant keywords, your content will be optimized and reach the targeted audience easily.

Regularly Post Share
Image Source: Pexels

7. Generously Use Imagery And Videos

Adding images and videos on your socials is a way to leave a visual impact on the audience. There are several studies and surveys which back the fact that imagery influences the human brain more than text.

Instagram got immensely popular in a short span since it is an image sharing platform. The same was the case with Facebook live, which is highly trending though being introduced just a few years back.  

You can also attract clients by adding images and videos regarding your work, besides product images. You can post pictures from the latest event, some behind the scene fun videos, infographics, and even quote photos to motivate your audience.

8. Schedule Your Posts

Using tools to time your social media posts will save you from the hassle of consistent posting in real-time. Automated responses will also save much of your time and energy. These tools also give a valuable analysis of post-performance and content ideas.

So, using these tools is highly beneficial. The insights can help you make improvements and track your activities closely.

Having said that, I would suggest you not to vanish after posting. Yes, you may have chatbots to take care of customer service in your absence. Still, you need to keep an eye on unique queries by the customers. Be there in case the need arises to respond to comments and messages of actual customers. 

9. The Secret to Deal with Negative Reviews

Got a 1 star or a negative review? Do not get anxious, as this can be an opportunity to show the customers that you care. Firstly, respond to the complainant immediately and let them know you wish to resolve the issue quickly.

After that, do everything in your capacity to rectify any mistake that you or any staff member may have made. You might need to go out of your way to resolve some issues, like giving away consolation gifts or a full refund, but the hassle will be worth it in the end.

Once the issue is resolved, send a kind reminder to the customer to update their review (mostly they do so very happily). Hence, cautious handling of negative reviews can be beneficial to build your image as a caring brand. It may convert unsatisfied customers into loyal ones.

10. Offer Freebies, Discounts, and Seasonal Sales

Image Source: Pinterest

This strategy is a client magnet and works like a charm. After all, who doesn’t like freebies? Aren’t we more attracted to brands who regularly offer discounts and sales?

Service providers in all categories can design attractive packages and promote them on social media to get more clients. From huge brands to small startups and even freelancers, all advocate the benefit of such offers.

The Takeaway

Using your social media efficiently opens doors for fetching new clients and retaining old ones. Your mantra should be to have a plan, take it seriously, and execute it well.

One more thing to remember is to acknowledge every milestone you achieve, like a certain number of following, or positive feedback as it attracts the clients. By using the tricks mentioned above, you can ace the game of social media marketing in a brief period.  

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