An excuse letter is a message that justifies an individual’s failure to attend work, school, or to perform a specific duty. It is a form of communication meant to give notice to a person in authority about your inability to attend to your duties on a specific future date because of some other reason. It is usually written before the absence, but sometimes it can be written after.

Have you been absent from school or work, or are you planning not to attend and instead attend a wedding? In this case, you need to write an excuse letter to your superior or teacher. In the letter, you will need to document your failure to attend. This signifies your ability to recognize that you have offended others for failure to perform your duty, and there is a need to explain your actions to preserve your positive character.

Wondering how to write an excuse letter to avoid violating the policies of your workplace or school? Read on for our detailed guide.

How to Write an Excuse Letter Due to Wedding

  • Although it is an excuse letter, you have to use the layout for writing a business letter
  • Be aware of the company/school guidelines to understand what may constitute an excused absence before writing an excuse letter.
  • Reflect on the suitable person to whom you will address the letter. Your immediate superior/supervisor is the most suitable since you answer directly to him/her. Since you know the recipient, start with “Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms./Dr.”(insert last name)” as the case may be.
  • Start the letter by being respectful in addressing the person to whom it is addressed. To achieve this, you must maintain a formal tone throughout the letter.
  • Ensure that the contents of the letter are precise and to the point to avoid jargon that would make it difficult to understand. Your letter should be professional.
  • It is advisable to attach a wedding invitation to show that you have been invited to the wedding.
  • Briefly provide a genuine excuse why it is important to attend the wedding and note your relation with the wedding couple such as a wedding of a close relative
  • Proofread the letter before sealing and sending it to ensure that the letter is devoid of grammatical errors and spelling mistakes.
  • Send the letter on time.

Writing an efficient, graceful excuse letter for attending a wedding can be an easy undertaking as long as you follow the proper rules for outline and language.

Excuse Letter to Work / School for Attending a Wedding (Format)


Employer’s (Principal’s) Name,

Employer’s Title,

Organization’s Name,


City, Zip Code.

Dear Mr. /Ms. /Mrs. /Dr. (Insert Last Name),

Re: (Insert Subject)

Acknowledge this letter of formal notice that I will not be present at (insert whether school or work) on (insert date) to (insert date). I will be attending a wedding of my close relative, which I verbally communicated to you about at the beginning of this week.

I have organized to be available on (email /phone) on the day all through the (working or school) hours, and I will communicate with (my assistant/liaise with my class representative) later in the day to check in with the (office/classmates) to find out what has transpired and what I may have missed.

I will liaise with my (office assistant/class representative) to ensure that things run smoothly despite my absence.


(Your Signature)

(Type Your Name Here)

Sample Excuse Letter to School for Attending a Wedding

April 20, 2022

The Principal

City Montessori School,

14 Tottenham Court Road

London, W1T 1JY

Dear Mrs. Smith,


This letter is as formal notification of my absence from school on 28th and 29th April 2022. On this date, I will be attending a wedding of my Twin sister, which I spoke to you about earlier this month.

I shall communicate with my class representative on both days to find out what has transpired and what I have missed. I will also liaise with my class teacher to ensure I get access to the content(s) for the lessons I will miss to ensure I catch up with the rest of my classmates.

Let me know if I can present more information about my absence.


Martin James

Sample Excuse Letter to Work for Attending a Wedding

April 20, 2022

Human Resource Manager,

The Montessori Company,

61 Wellfield Road

Cardiff, CF24 3DG

Dear Mr. McKenzie,


I wish to inform you that I will not be present at work on May 15, 2022 to May 16, 2022. I will be attending a wedding of my close relative that I verbally communicated to you about at the beginning of this week.

I have organized to be available on email on the day all through the working hours, and I shall call my assistant later in the day to check in with the office to find out what has transpired and what I may have missed.

I will liaise with my office assistant to ensure that things run smoothly despite my absence.


Arpit Sharma

Things to Keep in Mind When Writing

  • Format: Use the business letter layout. It should adhere to the formal letter writing requirements.
  • Be Aware of the Policies: Understand the company or school policies relating to failure to attend.
  • Language: Maintain professionalism in your language throughout the entire letter.
  • Length: The letter should be brief and to the point.
  • Timing: Send the excuse letter promptly. This should be well before the day you plan to miss work or school, as the case may be.

Tips for Writing Excuse Letter for Attending a Wedding

  • You must ensure that your excuse is reasonable. A reasonable excuse is one which even the person to whom the letter is addressed is able to read the letter and find enough reason to believe that your attendance to the wedding is inevitable.
  • Your excuse letter should not emanate from a backdrop of a series of absenteeism as this would seem like a usual habit of absence rather than a genuine excuse
  • Maintaining a concise clear excuse letter will be easy to understand and will avoid a situation where you seem to explain too much and hence the message is distorted
  • By upholding professionalism in your language throughout the letter you make your excuse more believable as the seriousness of your tone will be reflected on the addressee.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is Attending a Wedding a Valid Excuse?

Attending a wedding may or may not be a valid excuse. It all depends on the circumstances and your proximity to the persons who are the subject of the wedding. for instance, it cannot be a valid excuse to miss work in order to attend a wedding of people who are total strangers to you. However, it would be a genuine reason to attend a wedding of a close relative where you are actively participating in planning.

What Are the Best Excuses for Not Attending a Wedding?

Some of the best excuses include ill health. Where one is undertaking examinations, which are usually periodical such that once you miss out, then it will take many months to sit and undertake the same. Emergencies are also good excuses for not attending a wedding.

How Do You Politely Decline a Wedding Invitation?

It is not easy to decline a wedding invitation, but it is not impossible. You can politely excuse yourself by citing some other commitment that you had undertaken earlier which coincides with the date of the wedding and which you will not be able to rescind your obligation.

Is it Rude to Not Go to a Wedding?

It depends. It is rude not to go to a wedding where you were specifically invited by either of the couple or both, especially where you had indicated your willingness to attend and where you had not communicated your absence in time. It is not rude to fail to attend a wedding where you were not invited or where there was no legitimate expectation for you to attend, or were invited but then sent your genuine apologies in time because of occurrence of unavoidable circumstances before the date of the wedding.

Whether you plan to be absent in school or work, it is of utmost importance that you draft an excuse letter to alert your superior or your principal that you will not be present on a certain date. You must provide a valid reason as to why you will be absent, and you must understand the language and the format expected in your letter. What you must seek to achieve is to communicate your absence in a clear concise language. Communication symbolizes responsibility.

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