How to Increase the Conversion Rate on Your Ads - purshoLOGY

Make your advertising dollars count.

2 min read

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

In this video, Entrepreneur Network partner Eric Siu discusses five rules that can lead to more conversions on your social media advertisements. 

To start, Siu emphasizes the importance of a good headline on your ads. Once you publish the headline, you should already have used half your marketing budget. When people visit Facebook, one of the first pieces of advertising copy they see is the headline. 

Next, your customers need to see how your product can improve their lives. For instance, when you offer a cure for skin problems — you are not just offering a respite from troublesome blemishes, but also added confidence. 

Furthermore, Siu recommends offering unique features alongside solutions that solve customer problems. This solution, ideally, should come attached with a deal.

To hear all of Siu’s tips for improving your advertisement conversion rate, click the video. 

Related: How to Get the Most Out of Your Facebook Ads

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